Hi guys
A little while back Ed & I played the next game in our Pyrrhic campaign using Basic Impetus. It was the battle of Neapolis, with Pyrrhus the attacker & Rome the defender.
Battlefield from the Pyrrhic side |
Turn 1, Initiative Pyrrhus, the entire army advances except Pyrrhus, who holds himself in reserve toplug any gaps or exploit a breakthrough.
Rome , The Legions wheel forward to cover their flanks
Turn 2, Initiative Pyrrhus. Pyrrhus moves to the side , which causes him to be disrupted, skirmishers close on enemy, all others advance straight ahead
Rome, Light Horse & cavalry advances, Legions continue to wheel outward.
Turn 3, Initiative Rome. Cavalry charge Oscan light foot, cavalry takes 1 point of damage & falls back.
Light horse & Legions advance.
Pyrrhus, Oscans throw javelins at cavalry, causing a point of damage. Light horse withdraw.
Skirmishers block opponents, Elephant, pike & cavalry advance, Pyrrhus reforms
Turn 4, Initiative Rome, Cavalry reform, right hand legion advances, skirmishers fall back
Pyrrhus, Elephant charges skirmishers who fall back. Oscan javelins break Roman cavalry. Pyrrhus
advances & the Hoplites wheel to face the Legion
Turn 5, Initiative Rome. Cavalry charge Elephant but are destroyed, the Elephant takes 1 point of
damage. A javelin volley from the skirmishers causes a further 2 points of damage to the elephant.
Pyrrhus, Skirmishers again block their opponents, the elephant wheels, and the oscans form up with
the hoplites.
Turn 6, initiative Rome. Legion charges cavalry and destroys them. The Roman triarii charge the pike
and cause 3 points of damage and suffer 1 point in return. A Legion charges Pyrrhus but take 1 point
of damage and fall back.
The legion destroys the hoplites and take 1 point of damage in the process.
The triarii destroy the rear unit of pike.
Turn 7, initiative Pyrrhus. The oscans & light horse charge, but to no effect. The elephant charges
the flank of the legion, each takes 1 point of damage
Rome, Legion kills Elephant, The pike drive the Triarii back, a javelin volley from the Oscans destroys a Roman legion , breaking the Roman army.
Result :Minor Pyrrhic victory, advance 1 stage.