Hi Guys
I finished the Warmodelling FoG starter army boxed set for the mid republican Romans yesterday. The figures were nice, if a little large, with shields seperate, as were most spears for the Triarii and most of the pila for the other troops. The metal was were hard, which made the plentiful flash a complete pain to trim. I intended to use this army for Basic Impetus, as it gave me everything I could field, except the option for some Spanish light horse, with a few figures to spare. A unit in Imetus would use 4 bases of infantry based for DBM or FoG, so I based them so I could use them for either system. I painted them in two groups.The first group had 4 bases of Hastati with red shields and red helmet plumes and 4 bases of Princeps with red shields and black plumes. The second group were done in the same fashion, but with black shields. This mean I could do a unit of all hastati, all of princeps, or a unit of 2 hastati and 2 princeps, with matching shields, but diffenciated by helmet plume colour. The triarii were done with white shields and white plumes, so they would stand out. They would count as the unit with the General if I wasn't using the mounted general figure, as the Roman cavalry can be a little brittle, and the triarii are a lot more solid. I had 4 lictors left over from the set and had no use for them until an idea stuck, like a headache with pictures. In Impetus, untis can become temporarily disrupted from enemy attacks and I dislike using markers on the table, perfering casualty figures to denote losses and I will place a singly based lictor next to any disrupted unit, marking the unit status without looking out of place. Presumably the lictor is slapping the men back into line with the rods of his office.
The mounted General |
The two Roman cavalry units, done with different shield colours |
The heavy foot. |
A side view, pila at the ready |
The Triarii |
The old men of the army |
Samnite allies, medium foot with javelins and dodgy crests. |
A side view of the skirmishers, with poor taste in headgear. |
The velites/leves |
The Lictors who will serve as disruption markers |
The assembles hordette |
Roman army with floral cushions |
Overall, I enjoyed painting this army, but am relieved to have it done. There is a definite satisfaction in competing a project, even if there will be more Romans added to this force, although probably from another manufacturer, as the customer service I had with the supplier of these figures was the wrong side of appalling.
Next up on the painting station is a hefty artillery piece to finish Syracuse and 12 stands of Spanish cavalry/light horse to bulk out Rome & Carthage, although I will place an order with Timecast in the spring for enough Spanish infantry to do a Basic Impetus army so they can fight against either the Romans or the Carthaginians as well as probably serving with my Later Republican Roman army. The Gauls will need reinforcing so....